Federal Dropship
Developed by Core Dynamics, the Federal Dropship is a versatile combat vessel widely used by the Federal Navy. Boasting one large and four medium hardpoints, the vessel can contend even with larger ships such as the Python, while its two military compartments allow the pilot to enhance the ship's defensive profile.
The Federal Dropship has been designed for medium-size landing pads.
Federal Dropship
- 戦闘機ベイ?
- No
- マルチクルーシート
- +1
- 離着陸場の条件
- Medium
- 最高速度
- 182 m/s
- ブースト速度
- 304 m/s
- 操縦性
- 3 / 10
- FSDの範囲(積荷あり)
- 6.79 LY
- FSDの範囲(積荷なし)
- 7.39 LY
- シールド
- 104
- 装甲
- 540
- 質量
- 580 T
- 貨物容量
- 56 T
- 高さ
- 21.7 m
- 幅
- 52.3 m
- 全長
- 73.9 m