The galaxy is full of successful traders who started their career with a Hauler. The ship's comparatively low cost and significant carrying capacity have made it the most popular small cargo ship in human space. The Hauler is highly specialised, however, and consumers are advised that it is unsuited to activities other than trade.
The Hauler has been designed for small-size landing pads.
- 戦闘機ベイ?
- No
- マルチクルーシート
- -
- 離着陸場の条件
- Small
- 最高速度
- 204 m/s
- ブースト速度
- 306 m/s
- 操縦性
- 4 / 10
- FSDの範囲(積荷あり)
- 8.46 LY
- FSDの範囲(積荷なし)
- 11.62 LY
- シールド
- 65
- 装甲
- 180
- 質量
- 14 T
- 貨物容量
- 8 T
- 高さ
- 10.4 m
- 幅
- 26.2 m
- 全長
- 28.6 m