Based on the Type-6 Transporter, the Keelback is a hardy freighter designed for hostile-environment deliveries. The small hardpoints of the Type-6 have been bolstered with two medium hardpoints, but it is the Keelback's ability to accommodate a fighter bay that really sets it apart. The ship also boasts superior armour and shields to the Type-6. making it a good option for traders who plan to travel without an escort.
The Keelback has been designed for medium-size landing pads.
- 戦闘機ベイ?
- Yes
- マルチクルーシート
- +1
- 離着陸場の条件
- Medium
- 最高速度
- 202 m/s
- ブースト速度
- 303 m/s
- 操縦性
- 2 / 10
- FSDの範囲(積荷あり)
- 9.41 LY
- FSDの範囲(積荷なし)
- 11.7 LY
- シールド
- 99
- 装甲
- 486
- 質量
- 180 T
- 貨物容量
- 42 T
- 高さ
- 14.9 m
- 幅
- 40.3 m
- 全長
- 49.7 m